Phuentenchu Gewog is located north-east of the Tsirang Dzongkhag sharing border with Wangdue, Trongsa and Sarpang Dzongkhag. The Gewog has total of 132.32 sq. km in area with elevation ranging from 700 to 1300 meters above sea level. Approximately 68.2 % of land is under forest cover comprising mainly of broadleaf and chirpine species, while land under agriculture use consist of 15.3 %. It has a total population of 2693 under 14 villages. The Gewog has total of 313 households out of which 79 households are re settlers.
Gewog has one community primary school, RNR center, Gewog Office and two ORCs. It has been connected with farm via Tsirangtoe Gewog. Mobile network coverage is 97%, while electricity coverage is about 50%. RWSS coverage is 99%.
Agriculture and livestock farming are the predominant occupation of the Gewog. Paddy, millet and maize are the chief cereal crops grown.
While citrus is major cash crop, now people are cultivating cardamom in a colossal amount since it has ready market and fetch good price.The Gewog is administratively divided in five Chiwogs namely Tashichholing(Burichu), Noorbuthang (Manithang), Sherzhong (Phaladey), Peljorling (Dhanseri) and Tongshingang (Maley). The Gewog has total of 13 villages and has total population of 2682. The major ethnicity of Gewog consists of Sharchops, Kengpas, Lhotsampas and others.