Nimazor ECR is located in Nimazor village of Rangthangling Geog, at a distance of around fifteen KM from Damphu town. One hour drive downhill from the Geog office and the ECR stands exactly in the heart of Charingma, Gagaling and Sunkosh Chewogs.
The ECR was formally established in 2009 with help from the Dzongkhag and Geog administration and the whole community people raised the school structures.
Initially, the ECR was opened by a teacher in-charge Mr. Kinzang Dorji with 46 students. At present, there are two teachers with four sections: the classes
Chronological order of the Teacher Incharges
- Kinzang Dorji (2009-2011)
- Dorji Phuntsho (2012- )
Name of the School/Institute: Nimazor ECR Year of Establishment: 2009 Classes/ Courses offered: class PP - III
Total Students: 29 students Total Teachers: 02
Male: 11 Male: 02
Female: 18 Female: 00
Support Staff: 00
Male: 00
Female: 00