Promotion Ceremony-4th July, 2024

Promotion Ceremony-4th July, 2024

Thu, 04 July 2024
Wed, 02 October 2024
DT hall

Tsirang Dzongkhag Administration held a promotion ceremony at the Dzongkhag Tshogdu Hall to honor and recognize the achievement of promoted individuals. The event was attended by Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho Dzongrab, and Sector Heads and featured inspiring speech and Tashi Khadar award ceremony.
The ceremony aimed to acknowledge the hard work and achievement of the promoted individuals and to encourage them to take on more responsibility and accountability in their roles while serving the TSA Wa Sum. It was a successful event that celebrated the individuals' accomplishments and provided inspiration and motivation.
A total of 22 civil servants were promoted, effective from July 1st, 2024, within the Dzongkhag Administration from which 8 of them were awarded Tashi Khadar at Dzong and rest of them will be awarded by their schools respectively.
