Tsirang Dessup 2nd Biannual Meeting conducted on 21.09.2019.
The meeting started with Zhabten of His Majesty the King
The Chairman of Tsirang Dzongkhag Dessung Dzongdag Dasho Pema emphasized on the importance being true Dessups. Not faking to be a Dessup. Dasho Dzongdag reminded Dessups to live up to the aspiration of our His Majesty the King. He said that Dessups shouldn't forget the trust and faith of His Majesty have on Dessups. Dasho Dzongdag shared to the gathering that Dessup shouldn't deter with presence or no physical presence of His Majesty the King to come forward and volunteer.
Dessup activities work plan for year 2019-20 prepared after the discussion.
Issues and challenges faced by Dessups in coordinating volunteer works were also discussed. How to find out the solution to motivate non active Dessups deliberated. One third of the total Dessups attended the biannual work plan meeting at Damphu Municipal office conference hall.