Tsholingkhar Primary School

Tsholingkhar Primary School

Tsholingkhar Primary School is located at around 14 kms. Away from the Dzongkhag Headquarter in Tsholingkhar Geog. The Geog has five Chiwogs; Tsholingkhar Toe, Tsholingkhar Maed, Drupchugang, Kapazhing and Gomsum. The school falls under Tsholingkhar Maed chiwog.

The school initially started in 1955 in the present location by Late Mon Bahadur Kharga as a private school. In 1961 the school was taken over by the Education Department. In 1981 additional land was acquired and the existing facilities were established. When NAPE (New Approach to Primary Education) was introduced in the education system of the kingdom, this school was selected as a pilot school. The school also had WFP feeding programme provided by the Royal Government. When the school was taken over by the Department of Education, Mr. R.D Nair, an Indian national was appointed as its first Headmaster

Mr. Dorjang Dukpa was the first national to head the school as the Headmaster in 1986. The school functioned under different Headmasters till 1990 but it had to close down in 1990 due to security reasons. It was renovated in 2005 for reopening but it could not be opened. In 2009 the school reopened with 72 students and 3 teachers. At present (2018) the school has classes from PP-VI with 201 students and 12 teaching staff and 4 non teaching staff.

Image removed.


Name of the School: Tsholingkhar P School

  1. Village: Tsholingkhar
  2. Gewog: Tsholingkhar
  3. Dzongkhag:  Tsirang
  4. Year of establishment: 2009 (reopened) Thram No:  88 Area: 2.34 acres.
  5. No. of students: Girls: 77  Boys: 124
  6. No. of teachers: Female: 01 Male: 11
  7.  No. of support staff  :Female: 4Male: 0
  8. No. of school going age children enrolled (PP): 14
  9. No. of school going age 6-12 children not enrolled:    Nil
  10. No. of repeaters: 01
  11. School Agriculture land:    50   decimal
  12. Road access: Yes     School Category: Semi Urban
  13. Does your school have      Yes (NFE)    RC/ECR/MGT/NFE/CE
  14. School Status : Boarding/Day School



VISION (MoE): An educated and enlightened society of GNH, built and sustained on the unique Bhutanese values of tha dam-tshig ley gyu-drey



  • Develop sound educational policies that enable the creation of a knowledge-based GNH society.
  • Provide equitable, inclusive and quality education and lifelong learning opportunities to all children and harness their full potential to become productive citizens.
  • Equip all children with appropriate knowledge, skills and values to cope with the challenges of the 21st century.


Prepare students to excel in a complex, interconnected and rapidly changing world with the values of Thadamtse Ley Gyudrey.


Tsholingkhar Primary School is committed to provide equal and fair opportunities with safe, caring environment in which students learn to think critically and creatively, interact cooperatively and live responsibly in order to achieve their fullest potential throughout their lives.


1. To improve overall students’ academic performance through well-established Academic

Committee (Subject heads and subject faculties).

2. To promote and preserve our unique culture and tradition for national identity.

3. To develop reading habit in every student for intellectual maturity through library classes and

literary activities.

4. To develop life-related skills (Affective, Cognitive and psychomotor) in students through

different clubs.

5. To create child friendly and beautiful campus for learning atmosphere.

6. To improve teacher’s quality through staff development scheme.

7. To make optimum use of the available resources to enhance learning activities.

8. To develop physical fitness and social maturity in every student through games and sports.