Notification Period:
08 September 2022

This is to inform the general public that Department of Cottage and Small Industry under the Ministry of Economic Affairs has been spearheading the development and promotion of cottage and small industries (Cis) in the country. As one of the supports to the CSIs, the Department of Cottage and Small Industry is providing grant for
purchase of core machinery required for initial setting up or expansion of the existing production units. The maximum value of the grant is Nu. 300,000 per CSI and the grants would be provided on a cost sharing basis ratio of 80:20 where the government will bear 80% of the cost. The applicants will have to undergo selection process which will be assessed purely on the innovative business idea/skills, product that will substitute imports, use of local resources and readiness. The preference is also accorded to the youths and women groups.

Guideline to be downloaded from Here

Offtg. Economic Development Officer